Did you know?
- We still have a great stock of physical maps in our possession.
- We have updated them with a sticker letting the reader know to check out LocallyLambton.com for current map information.
- We are still distributing this updated version of the map with the sticker.
We would love to host your information on the
updated website version of the map.
New features not previously available with the physical versions of the map:
- Participants on the new version of the web-based map now also receive social media promotion as part of their yearly marketing fee.
- You may list in multiple categories if applicable at no extra charge.
- Your profile will have the ability to upload a logo, photos, and a free-form description.
- Your profile will also be fully editable by you at all times.
- Locally Lambton participants are being targeted for promotional program partnerships.
The uptake on the new online version of the map has been great.
- We have signed up 4th Edition physical map participants that sat out of the 5th Edition physical map.
- We have signed up brand new participants who were not a part of any past versions of the map.
- The response from the new participants has also been positive, they have told us that new customers have been contacting them specifically because they are now participating in the online map and our marketing package.
A new version of the physical map will be revisited once we reach the threshold for printing new ones.
If you were on a previous version of the physical map, we’d like you to continue being part of Locally Lambton, the cost is now only $50 yearly.
Check out how to apply here: https://locallylambton.com/apply/

Thanks for your consideration.
PS, as a bonus for signing up, and in celebration of our 15th Anniversary of the Locally Lambton Map, we have printed up Locally Lambton signage (24×16 inch) that you could display at your place of business. I’m sure that once things get rolling again, that traffic to your site would appreciate the heads up as to where to go, and that you support local food (and fun) in Lambton County. It includes a wire frame to optionally display it as a lawn sign.
PPS, let us know if you want or need copies of the printed map. We can get them out to you right away.